Scott Cummings' Letter in Support of Speaker Perzel
Letters back Perzel
To the editor:
As president of the Mayfair Civic Association, I have been involved for a number of years now in working with many people to help make the Northeast the best it can be. In all the time I have been involved, there has been one constant ingredient in that fight to improve and protect our quality of life in the Northeast - John Perzel.
Local Northeast State Rep. John Perzel has been one of the leading advocates for the Northeast, setting partisan differences aside and working with countless local residents and civic groups. Perzel has worked with our civic group as well as the Mayfair Community Development Corporation to create a vision and long term plan for Mayfair.
Perzel has helped focus efforts on economic development projects like the Devon Theater project, as well has the building of the new Lincoln High School and Mayfair's own local community center. He's helped organize and fund the Frankford Avenue clean up efforts as well as helping to develop a long term business plan for the Avenue. And Perzel stood by our firefighters to insure that they receive adequate medical care when fighting Hep. C.
In spite of all that John Perzel has done and continues to do for the Northeast and Philadelphia as a whole, there are still some who are willing to resort to low blow attacks on Mr. Perzel for purely partisan purposes.
The interesting thing about these partisan snipers is that you never see them at any civic meetings or neighborhood clean ups. They criticize but seem to be unwilling to expend their own time or energy to get involved and help make Mayfair and the Northeast the best it can be.
Scott Cummings
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