We Need to Transform this Blighted Area
This is an issue that concerns several neighbors in Mayfair. Between the 3400 blocks of Cottman and Ryan Avenues and the 7300 Block of Crispin St (About one block west of Cottman and Frankford) there is a privately owned lot in the shape of a triangle that has been blighted for far too long. We need to take back this property for the public good. Nevertheless, this property would have no value for residential or commercial purposes as it is in the driveway of all three of those blocks. One possible use for this area is a Civic park to used by the residents of those blocks for their enjoyment rather than a place to illegally park their cars and dump their trash (believe me people used to drink back there when I was a teenager - the trees and weeds had been terribly overgrown creating a good camuflage for those that want to conceal themselves from the outside community, however CLIP has stepped in and helped rectify that problem, but they can only do so much). We are going to call a neighbors meeting next week. If you would like more information on this, email the Neighborhood Civic PAC at neighborhoodcivicpac@yahoo.com.
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