Another Example of Election Frau (Atleast Something is being done about this)
Hearing on City Councilelection-fraud case set
Reprinted Courtesy of the Northeast Times
Three local political officials will face a preliminary hearing on Friday morning on charges of election fraud.
Those facing charges are Mike Stack Jr., Democratic leader of the 58th Ward, and two of his committee people, Arline Petroff and Jim McGinley.
The hearing will take place at City Hall and will be presided over by Senior Common Pleas Court Judge R. Barry McAndrews, of Bucks County.
Pennsylvania Deputy Attorney General Patrick Blessington will prosecute the case.
The trial stems from the 2003 race in the 10th Councilmanic District. The Democratic candidate, John Farley, was disqualified from running for lacking the necessary signatures to win a spot on the ballot.
Authorities believe that Stack, Petroff and McGinley forged many of the signatures without Farley’s knowledge.
A state grand jury indicted the trio in February 2004. They are charged with forgery, perjury and other counts.
The state attorney general’s office requested an outside judge because Stack’s wife Felice is a Municipal Court judge and because most judges get elected with the help of Democratic ward leaders like Stack.
The ward leader is also the father of state Sen. Mike Stack
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