The Neighborhood Civic PAC is a medium for like-minded Philadelphia residents to carry out public service initiatives..."it's all about the neighborhoods." The Neighborhood Civic PAC is designed to help jumpstart civic associations in various neighborhoods and resurrect ones that were once mighty and help such associations get acclimated to the political process so that they may utilize this to the advantage of the neighborhood and constituency for which they represent.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

More Corruption...More Indictments

Today more of Philadelphia's public officials were indicted on charges of theft and conspirarcy to defraud the government.
"A federal grand jury has indicted former Philadelphia Streets Department Commissioner William M. Johnson and two other individuals on charges of stealing from the Keep Philadelphia Beautiful program and conspiracy to defraud the government. (reprinted courtesy of"
There is that word again, FRAUD. These people were trusted with the People's money and they accused of stealing that money and that trust. This is the governement of the People, by the People and for the People. Fraud keeps abounding. We need to clean this up.