The Neighborhood Civic PAC is a medium for like-minded Philadelphia residents to carry out public service initiatives..."it's all about the neighborhoods." The Neighborhood Civic PAC is designed to help jumpstart civic associations in various neighborhoods and resurrect ones that were once mighty and help such associations get acclimated to the political process so that they may utilize this to the advantage of the neighborhood and constituency for which they represent.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Bob Lee responds yet again to Joe DeFelice's letter, guess someone hit a sore spot with Mr Lee.

Letters In defense of city voting
RE THE LETTER "Voting for a better city" by Joseph J. DeFelice (Aug. 17):
We are confident that ward leaders, committeepersons, poll officials, and voters and media have seen the city commissioners' successful efforts in improving the city election systems during the past 10 years.
We implemented a new imaging system that enables production of books listing voter records and a digitized signature for use at the polls. We replaced our mechanical voting machines with a proven electronic voting system. We implemented a computerized system for producing and counting absentee and provisional ballots.
In 2004, we implemented the voter ID and provisional voting requirements of the Help America Vote Act during Philadelphia's most active and volatile election in more than 20 years, in which more than 672,000 Philadelphians voted.
Before Jan. 1, the commission will upgrade its electronic system to enable the visually impaired to vote independently.
Philadelphia is an older city and locating fully accessible polling places, with designated parking for the disabled within every election district is almost impossible. A high percentage of our residents walk to the polls. It is vital to keep polls properly sized and in the division.
The city has 316 fully accessible polls, 675 where the building is accessible and 175 where portable ramps may provide access. We are researching properties in the other 500 divisions.
Mr. DeFelice was issued a Republican certificate for the 64th Ward, 11th Division for the May 17 election. State law limits each candidate to two watchers per division. The form submitted by the 64th Ward contains numerous entries contrary to state law, listing three-six individuals in 10 of the 18 Divisions and one for a division that doesn't exist.
It would be a waste of city taxpayer funds to procure a new county database. Before Jan. 1, the commission will move its data and operations onto the Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors. A more detailed response is at 0825/0-article-09.html.
Bob Lee, Voter Registration Admin.
Philadelphia County
Reprinted Courtesy of

Monday, August 29, 2005

Bob Lee responds to voter fraud issues on a blog in the comments section - guess he didnt want to respond in print media with his partisan rhetoric

I am shocked (yeah, right) to learned that you failed to check into the facts regarding some of the allegations in the American Center for Voting Rights Report on fraud.
No. 1 - Had you check the archives of both the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Philadelphia Daily News from October 2004 you would have learned that some of these allegations were covered in articles by your corporation.
1. I had spoken to Inquirer reporters at length at the time. Rose Ciotta was covering the events regarding mailings from Republicans to "new" registrants that were returned undeliverable. My understanding is that they repeated requested that the Republican operatives provide them with copies of the returned envelopes or the names and addresses of the registrants to attempt to determine the facts. I do not believe the operatives provided them more than a handful of name, if any.
Although it is possible, we shouldn't assume that paid canvassers completed applications with the names and address of deceased. I explained to the Inquirer reporters some of the reasons why it may appear that a deceased individual submitted a new application according to data files (more on that below in my answer to a Pittsburgh reporter). At least they asked us. Victory 2004 failed to even attempt to check the facts, inquire as to the records, or provide the Inquirer or the Commission the names and addresses of the individuals for whom mailed was returned undeliverable.
Victory 2004 also failed to check Federal law, the National Voter Registration Act regarding the process for removing names from the files of eligible voters. At least the Inquirer reporters asked about the process. One of the primary reasons the NVRA was enacted was because jurisdictions were cancelling records merely because mailings were returned undeliverable without using alternative methods to verify the facts regarding the eligibility of the voter to be registered at the address. Federal Law prohibits the Commission from cancelling a record merely because mail is returned undeliverable. The Commission must first investigate. Federal Law also mandates that ALL voter removal programs be concluded no later than 90 days prior to an election. Within the 90 day period, Federal and State laws, and a 1998 Agreement in US District Court permit the counties to reject an application after investigating returned mail, however that process can only be used when the mail is returned within ten days of mailing; most are not.
The intent of Congress in the NVRA in administering voter registration files can be found in the Senate Conference Report 103-6 on Pages 3, and 18 - 20. Information on the process for Counties to investigate and reject applications can be found in Directives issued by Dick Filling, the Pennsylvania Commissioner of Elections, in June 1996, and again in September and October of 1998. These Directives were issued pursuant to a Settlement in US District Court in ACORN v. Ridge, and US v. Pennsylvania on the NVRA.
2. The 43 polling places listed in the ACVR Report are from a list of 63 polling places that the Republican operatives tried to have changed in the 2 weeks before the election. I will let the Inquirer and Daily News articles speak to that:
Daily News, October 19, 2004: A tally of election semi-dirty tricks - By WILLIAM BUNCH
Daily News, October 18, 2004: GOP fails in effort to move pollsLast-minute bid tried to relocate 63 mostly black polling places - By CHRIS BRENNAN
Inquirer, October 19, 2004: Accusations fly as GOP seeks to shift polling placesBy Michael Currie Schaffer
Daily News, Oct. 20, 2004: Elmer Smith GOP TACTIC: KEEPING BLACKS FROM VOTING
Daily News, Oct. 21, 2004: GOP loses poll shift planCity Commission refuses to change 63 locations - By CHRIS BRENNAN
The request to move the 63 polls included a request to move one from Senator Fumo's District Office, which is accessible due to a ramp, to a school which was located 5 voting Divisions away.
3. As far as the fact that the number of registered voters was nearly equal to the number of voting age citizens in Philadelphia, the authors of these reports failed to take into account the fact that the files included approximately 134,000 records designated as INACTIVE. These are records which are designated for cancellation after waiting the mandated 2 Federal General Elections of non-activity by the registrant. In December 2000 Philadelphia canceled approximately 22,400 of these Inactive records; in December 2002, approximately 119,000; and in December 2004 we canceled more than 68,000.
Once a record is designated INACTIVE we are prohibited from removing that record from the files of eligible voters unless the voter fails to contact our office or vote in any election in the period between the date the record was designated Inactive and the date of the second Federal General Election afterward, usually 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 years after designation.
Philadelphia uses and fully complies with every single mandated and optional voter removal program to keep its files current.
As listed in the City Commissioner's 95th Annual Report for Year 2000: - In the 2000 Presidential General Election, Philadelphia had 1,025,498 records in the files of eligible voters, 848,903 were designated Active, and 176,595 Inactive. The voting turnout on these two designations clearly tell the story - 549,777 or 64.8% of Active registrants voted, while only 10,402, or 5.9% of Inactive registrants voted - It's simple, estimates are that approximately 75% - 80% of the Inactive registrants are no longer in Philadelphia and are not even here to vote. These records are merely waiting for the Federally mandated 2 Federal Election time clock to expire when the will be removed.
I would refer you to a paper from the Committee of 70 at:
and this October 2004 response to Fox News:
As a final note on this issues I would be much more concerned if the number of voters casting ballots exceeded the number of citizens registered. The highest turnout % per registration in recent years in Philadelphia was in Nov 1992 at 72.9%. Since the three ACVR officials mentioned in your article all had official campaign roles for Bush / Cheney 04 perhaps they should explain the election and registration statistics listed on the following sites for Wyoming first:
Nov 2004 - Number Registered = 232,396
Nov 2004 - Total Number Votes Cast for President = 245,789
I am making no assumptions regarding the above and I would guess the Wyoming Election Officials could explain the discrepancy if they were asked. That's my point. Before spreading urban legends maybe someone show check.
4. I can add nothing to the incident of the use of cheese in enticing voters as I was not involved in reviewing the issue and not aware of the facts. It does however remind me of an article I once read in the early eighties about someone giving twinkies and kool aid to voters at a senior citizen home in Minnesota.
5. Finally, when this ACVR Report surfaced I was contacted by a reporter from one of the Pittsburgh daily papers, either the Post-Gazette or the Tribune-Review, Below is what I told him:
One of the Pittsburgh newspapers called today regarding the release. I told him that these events were covered by the Philadelphia Inquirer and Philadelphia Daily News in October 2004, shortly before the election. He wasn't aware that these were old reports. I also explained that RSC issued a Press Release regarding these same polling places the day before the May 17, 2004 Primary.
I set him straight on the contents of request to move polling places, telling him to review the Philadelphia coverage that even local Republican Party officials distanced themselves from the request and the claims about the fraudulent registrations.
I told him that they wanted to move two divisions from an accessible facility, to a church two voting districts away that had ten steps (43rd Ward).
I told him that in S. Philadelphia they wanted to move two divisions from an accessible community room to a location two or three divisions away.
I explained that many, many Philadelphians walk to the polling places in the denser, older neighborhoods and that moving the polls further from the district would present barriers to seniors who may be able to walk two or three blocks but cannot walk 7 - 10 blocks.
I told him the Inquirer spoke to voters in the division where the bar was used and the voter told them it was no problem as the bar was closed and didn't sell alcohol during the time it was used for voting. I also told him how they failed to request to move a polling place out of a bar in a majority non-minority area. I also said they failed to address how many polling places in suburban or rural counties are located in VFW or sons of Italy Clubs that dispense liquor.
I also explained to him how one might think a deceased persons turned in a "new" application and that the Victory 2004 committee never provided the Inquirer with the names on the undeliverable mail as to enable them to determine the facts. I also explained that Victory 2004 never checked our records to determine the facts.
He asked if I was saying it wasn't true that 15 deceased individuals submitted "new" applicants and I said no, no one knows because no one checked the records.
I told him of the likely scenario:
15 new registrations for deceased individuals? Victory 2004 needed to check into the facts - besides not providing the Philadelphia Inquirer with the names of these purported new registrants they failed to check to determine why a deceased individual may have been mailed a new voter id card with a new date of registration.
Assuming that they mailed correspondence to the deceased "applicant" and it was returned to them undeliverable marked "deceased".
Without me knowing the names of the individuals - Want the likely answer to this mystery?
Simple - The deceased "new" registrants could merely be a deceased registrant's record being transferred to the home of a child or family member based upon change of address information submitted to the Post Office to transfer the deceased individuals mail so the family can take care of their personal affairs.
We run the NCOA program match, the NCOA vendor reports a change of address for the individual, we mail an NCA, and AVN and when family doesn't respond informing of that the individual is deceased and that the NCOA change was for them to continue getting the mail, then according to Federal and State law we transfer the record.
A new id card, with the new address, with a new date of registration is then mailed to the NCOA address. It is usually then that the family will call and since we can track the reason for the change we explain the process, they acknowledge they submitted an address change.
We inform them to mark the response form as "Deceased", sign it and note their relationship to the individual and mail it back.
When we get it we check the family members signature to confirm they are who they say they are and if so we cancel the record as deceased.
See, everyone jumps to conclusions without checking the facts first.
I also told him that the news coverage in Philadelphia on the polling place change request apparently resulted in USDOJ contacting me and requesting that if anything further occurred to contact them and that they would have a presence in Philadelphia on election day.
At least the Pittsburgh paper took the time to call.
Unfortunately most just jump to conclusions without checking the law, the facts and the records.
As you have duly noted, the ACVR is far from being "non-partisan". The Report is merely another rehashed attempt to turn some of the allegations into fact, without the benefit of reviewing ALL of the facts and factors involved.
Bob LeeVoter RegistrationPhiladelphia County

Posted by: Bob August 6, 2005 11:02 AM

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Bob Lee Responds to Joey DeFelice's Daily News Letter

Why Philadelphians Vote On Cutting Edge
by Bob Lee
Voter Registration Administrator
Philadelphia County

The Daily News published an opinion letter by a Joseph J. DeFelice titled Voting for a Better City., charging "Elections in this city are very old-fashioned."
Every Republican and Democrat Ward Leader, Committee Person, Polling Place Official, and our voters and media know different!

They have experienced the improvements made in the election systems in Philadelphia during the past ten years.

In 1995, the City Commissioners successfully implemented the Federal mandates of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 and has utilized every voter removal program, and every address update program required and permitted by Federal and State law. The City Commissioners administration of voter registration and implementation of the Federal "fail-safe" voting procedures has been affirmed by the US Third Circuit Court of Appeals in February 2001 in Welker v. Clarke.

In 1997, Philadelphia implemented an Imaging System which enabled production of Pollbooks listing eligible voter records and digitized signatures for use at the polls. This eliminated the old, heavy metal binders holding each voters original paper record allowing they remain secure at our central office and substantially eased the work of our pollworkers. In May 2002, the Commission replaced its old mechanical lever voting machines with a proven electronic voting system and conducted an extensive education program on the new machines for Ward Leaders, Committeepersons, Poll Officials and voters throughout the City. It has substantially decreased the reporting time of results and saved tens of thousands of dollars while eliminating errors in reading, manually writing and tabulating vote totals from the old lever machines.

In 2003, well before the effective date for implementing the Provisional Voting requirements of the Help America Vote Act, the City Commissioners procured a central count, optical scan voting system for use in designing, printing, scanning, and counting paper Absentee, Alternative and Provisional Ballots. This ensures that problems highlighted in Florida 2000 in detecting and resolving voter intent issues on manual or opt/scan paper ballots are resolved in accordance with "What Constitutes A Vote Standards", issued by the Commonwealth, at a public hearing, so that each and every vote can be properly counted, recorded and reported.

In 2004, the Commission successfully implemented the voter ID and provisional voting requirements of the Help America Vote Act. Prior to the Nov. 2004 Election, the Commission conducted the most extensive voter education program in the Commonwealth.

During Philadelphia's most active and volatile election in more than 20 years, the Commission personnel processed more than 250,000 registration applications, provided access for review of approximately 80,000 voters records and efficiently assisted Commonwealth Court in Hearings on the Nader petition challenge, prepared more than 3,430 machines, processed absentees, conducted a relatively problem free election in which more than 672,000 Philadelphians voted; and processed more than 12,000 voted Provisional Ballots.

In May 2005, the Commission obtained approval for approximately $20 million in Federal Help America Vote funds, the bulk of which must be used to reimburse the City for replacing its lever machines and to upgrade its electronic machines for compliance with accessibility standards.
Prior to January 1, 2006, the City Commissioners will upgrade its electronic voting system and voting machines to provide the accessibility for visually impaired voters to independently cast their ballot.

Mr. DeFelice also writes, "It's nearly impossible to find a polling place that meets even early 20th century standards, such as running water, handicap accessibility and the right not to vote in bars and Democratic headquarters."

He should realize Philadelphia is an older, major urban city and obtaining fully accessible facilities, with designated parking for the disabled, within, or adjacent to every election district is almost impossible. The City has 316 fully accessible polls and another 675 where the building is accessible. The City has identified another 175 where portable ramps may provide accessibility. We are researching properties in the remaining 500 voting Divisions, and adjacent Divisions to locate additional accessible locations.

Complaints about Philadelphia polling places from some in Pennsylvania are often distorted and selective in nature. On May 16, 2005, the day before the May Primary, Republican State Committee (PAGOP) issued a Press Release on Philadelphia polling places also included the following: "Perhaps most astonishingly, residents of the 18th Division of the Twenty-Ninth Ward will be voting in a Vacant Funeral Home. It has long been rumored that the dead vote in Philadelphia, but this is apparently the first time they've ever been given their own polling place"

Although it wasn't included in Mr. DeFelice's letter, he is a Republican Committeeperson in the 64th Ward, 11th Division. The registrants in this Division vote in a "working" Funeral Parlor - Fluehr's, at 3301 Cottman Ave. It puzzles me how PAGOP could be so concerned about using a vacant Funeral Home in the 29th Ward, yet totally fail to mention the use of an "active" Funeral Home in the 64th Ward.

The PAGOP and Mr. DeFelice's letter also complain of a polling place in a Senator's Office. Three weeks before the Nov 2004 Election, PAGOP had local candidates file a late request to move that polling place to a public school located more than four voting Divisions away.
The new accessible John Perzel Community Center is being constructed behind the inaccessible Mayfair School which currently serves as the polling place for four Divisions of the 55th Ward and one Division of the 64th Ward.

Unfortunately, if we apply the same logic and argument from PAGOP and Mr. DeFelice against the use of one Sen. Fumo's accessible office then it would appear PAGOP and Mr. DeFelice would also urge us not to use this new facility for the five Divisions as it too would have the name of a current elected official (and possible future candidate) permanently installed over the door.

The same PAGOP Press Release goes on "Pennsylvania law states that voting cannot take place in a location used for the sale or serving of alcohol" and, like Mr. DeFelice, condemns the use of a few bars in Philadelphia. Yet the Release fails to condemn polling places in Pennsylvania's other 66 Counties that are located in VFW's or other establishments that have a license for "the sale or serving of alcohol." Like Philadelphia, these locations are more than likely used as a last resort to provide voters a convenient polling place within, or adjacent to their voting district.
Philadelphians are well aware that parking can be difficult and many do not drive. A large percentage of Philadelphians walk to their polling place. It is vital that voting districts be properly sized and that polling places be located within the Division, and no further than the adjacent Division, to avoid barriers to voting such as long lines, and long walking distances. The Commission will continue its efforts to locate accessible buildings within each Division and will select locations after consideration of all factors for the convenience of all electors, including seniors and disabled voters.

In his letter Mr. DeFelice also writes, "It is nearly impossible to receive all the poll watchers certificates for which you applied." He was issued a Republican certificate for candidate Hillel Levinson for the May 17, 2005 Primary Election. This certificate was available for pickup on April 28, 2005, 18 days before the election. A review of the Watcher Request Form submitted for the 64th Ward watchers, including Mr. DeFelice's, clearly has numerous errors or entries contrary to the limitation imposed by law.

The form submitted for the 64th Ward included the following number of individuals in the following Divisions: four in the 2nd Div., six in the 4th Div., three in the 3rd Div., five in the 10th Div, four in the 11th Div, five in the 12th Div, three in the 13th Div, three in the 15th Div, four in the 17th Div, six in the 18th Div, and one individual in the 64th Ward, 19th Division which does not even exist.

Since State Law limits Watchers to two per candidate per Division, Commission personnel could have simply rejected the requests over the limit. However, the extra individuals in each Division were issued Certificates under the names of other cross-filed judicial candidates. Forms completed properly in accordance with the limits imposed by State Law, increase efficiency in processing and eliminate confusion and false perceptions.

If Mr. DeFelice is referring to the 2003 General Election when campaign operatives, notably the Katz campaign, requested hundreds of certificates the day before Election Day, then he should be aware that it is necessary for our personnel to leave the office by 8 or 9 p.m. so they can return before 6 a.m. the next morning, Election Day. These same late submissions from numerous campaigns and operatives occurred again during the 2004 November Election.
Mr. DeFelice also suggests a temporary shutdown of the Commissioner’s office to load all pertinent data onto a database. First, the workload does not permit temporarily shutting down the office. Additionally, it would be foolhardy and a total waste of city taxpayer funds for the Commission to implement any new database.

Prior to January 1, 2006, the Commission will be converting its data and daily operations to the Help America Vote Act mandated and funded Statewide Uniform Registry of Electors. Unfortunately in 2002 the Ridge/Schweiker Administration, selected a system that was expensive, inferior and non-compliant with Federal and State Voter Registration and Election law when it was placed in operation. The law requiring the system exempted the procurement from the normal procurement and regulatory processes. It has taken more than three years to revise and upgrade the system. As recently as March 2005, the SURE system could not even meet the contractual requirement of a three second response time for a single query.

Finally, Mr. DeFelice writes, "Now is the time to establish a computer program that will expedite the processing of watcher certificates, while at the same time turning a blind eye to partisan politics." He should be aware that this expensive and inferior Statewide SURE system lacks many modules, applications, and reports needed in administering elections and it does not include a computer module for processing and maintaining data for printing Watchers Certificates.

The City Commissioners and their personnel will continue their efforts at improving the electoral process in Philadelphia and we thank all Ward Leaders, Committeepersons, and Polling Place Officials for their assistance in implementing these improvements.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

What Exactly is Handicap Accessible?

According to the City, a polling place that is not handicap accessible is allowable because there are alternative means to which one cast a ballot such as the absentee ballot. Nevertheless, disabled people are still being discriminated against because they have only one option in how they may cast a ballot. They are being stigmatized and not able to participate in the ppolitical process the same way all of the neighbors can. However, they still have an option available to them.
What about disabled people that are interested in being pollwatchers or running for judge of elections. They are denied the ability to this if their polling place is not accessible. One may run for Judge of Elections and win but not be able to serve if they can not get into the polling place. This saddens me. All citizens should not be denied the basic tenets on which our country was founded. We need to change the polling places in this City so that all are fully, handicap accessible and those wishing to make a contribution to society not be denied because they are in a wheelchair or have other disabilities.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Another Example of Election Frau (Atleast Something is being done about this)

Hearing on City Councilelection-fraud case set

Reprinted Courtesy of the Northeast Times

Three local political officials will face a preliminary hearing on Friday morning on charges of election fraud.
Those facing charges are Mike Stack Jr., Democratic leader of the 58th Ward, and two of his committee people, Arline Petroff and Jim McGinley.
The hearing will take place at City Hall and will be presided over by Senior Common Pleas Court Judge R. Barry McAndrews, of Bucks County.
Pennsylvania Deputy Attorney General Patrick Blessington will prosecute the case.
The trial stems from the 2003 race in the 10th Councilmanic District. The Democratic candidate, John Farley, was disqualified from running for lacking the necessary signatures to win a spot on the ballot.
Authorities believe that Stack, Petroff and McGinley forged many of the signatures without Farley’s knowledge.
A state grand jury indicted the trio in February 2004. They are charged with forgery, perjury and other counts.
The state attorney general’s office requested an outside judge because Stack’s wife Felice is a Municipal Court judge and because most judges get elected with the help of Democratic ward leaders like Stack.
The ward leader is also the father of state Sen. Mike Stack

Dixon Speaks out in regard to Stack's Billboard

He’s ashamed ofthe senator’s billboard

reprinted courtesy of the Northeast Times

As most of us are unfortunately aware, Ashley Burg, a troubled teen originally from the Fishtown section of Philadelphia, died July 31 of an apparent drug overdose. Her partially clothed corpse was found Aug. 1 on Red Lion Road in Crestmont Farms.
Per the Philadelphia Daily News article entitled Tattle Tales dirty little secret (dated Aug. 11), Ashley was last seen alive in Montgomery County on July 31 being dispatched to a home in the suburban county as a result of her involvement in a sex-for-hire operation.It is the police department’s belief that an informal sex setup has been operating from Tattle Tales South, a topless bar in Port Richmond. According to a probable-cause affidavit, David Downey, the owner of the aforementioned Montgomery County home, contacted a Tattle Tales dancer called Kim for an escort on July 30. Early on July 31, Kim and her boyfriend dropped Burg off at Mr. Downey’s home.
The case is still under investigation with an outcome pending.
The above is just another example of the litany of sad and troubling events that surface far too often in our great city. What is also troubling is the fact that state Sen. Mike Stack had an enormous campaign banner hanging from the east side of the Tattle Tales South building during his 2004 re-election campaign. Said advertisement, which promoted his "commitment" to our neighborhoods, remained posted through this spring.
When first seeing the subject banner, I could not comprehend how a public servant who was "for the neighborhoods" could promote such an ideology from the side of a topless gentlemen’s club? Now, with the news of Burg’s death, I am all the more disheartened and ashamed.
Ed DixonTorresdale resident and member of Neighborhood Civic PAC
Note: The Neighborhood Civic PAC is a medium for like-minded Philadelphia residents to carry out public service initiatives. For more information, call 215-292-3926 or e-mail

Voting for a Better City (From the Philadelphia Daily News)

Reprinted Courtesy of

WITH THE 2005 municipal races right around the corner and very important elections coming up in 2006, it is time to make a clean sweep through the offices of City Hall and the cubicles at Delaware and Spring Garden. It is here that all the corruption and mismanagement begins.
Elections in this city are very old-fashioned. It is nearly impossible to receive all the poll watchers certificates for which you applied. It's nearly impossible to find a polling place that meets even early 20th century standards, such as running water, handicap accessibility and the right not to vote in bars and Democratic headquarters. It is nearly impossible get accurate, up-to-date data from the City Commissioners office.
Now is the time to make a concerted bi-/tri-partisan effort to search and identify sufficient polling places within an election division and if none is available, to look beyond that division so that citizens can cast their ballots in clean, voter friendly environments. Now is the time to establish a computer program that will expedite the processing of watcher certificates, while at the same time turning a blind eye to partisan politics. Now is the time to temporarily shut down the City Commissioners office, so that they can take the time to load all pertinent information onto a computer database so that regular people can have the kind of access to public records that now only the politicians and their friends enjoy.
We are calling on all city commissioners to reform their offices for the betterment of the populace. We are calling on the Committee of Seventy to begin this new era by breathing fresh air into this stale political environment. We are calling on the leaders of both parties to reach out to their members to make them aware that their priorities are aligned with the nation, as a whole, to incorporate the Help America Vote Act into mainstream election referendums. It is time for Philadelphia to leave the past behind and chart a new path to future.
Joseph J. DeFelice, Esq.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

John Street's Statement on Today's Indictments

Courtesy of

Statement of Mayor John F. StreetConcerning Today's Indictments"The indictments announced today by United States Attorney Patrick L. Meehan of former Streets Commissioner William Johnson and several others resulted from the initial work of City Inspector General William Gill. I am proud that an honest and vigilant city official, who suspected wrongdoing, alerted the Inspector General, who determined that federal funds were involved and referred the matter to federal authorities.
Although I am disappointed by the unfortunate circumstances surrounding those indictments, I am confident that our system of monitoring the integrity and accountability of city employees work. We continue to have a policy of zero tolerance for corruption of any kind or size. The public has a right to expect honesty and integrity from all city employees, in every instance."

Please post any comments you may have on this matter.

More Corruption...More Indictments

Today more of Philadelphia's public officials were indicted on charges of theft and conspirarcy to defraud the government.
"A federal grand jury has indicted former Philadelphia Streets Department Commissioner William M. Johnson and two other individuals on charges of stealing from the Keep Philadelphia Beautiful program and conspiracy to defraud the government. (reprinted courtesy of"
There is that word again, FRAUD. These people were trusted with the People's money and they accused of stealing that money and that trust. This is the governement of the People, by the People and for the People. Fraud keeps abounding. We need to clean this up.

Monday, August 08, 2005

State Rep. Dennis (Denny) O'Brien does for Neighborhood Sports Teams with the 2nd Annual Northeast Philly 5 Mile Run.

State Rep. Dennis O'Brien will sponsor the Second Annual Northeast Philadelphia 5 mile run. This run is slated for Sunday, October 16, 2005 at the Northeast Philly International Airport. registration will begin at 7am with the race set for 9 am. For more information about this event Contact O'Brien's District Office at 215-632-5150 and ask for Carol.
The event is the same as last year with one difference. The race will be held at the Airport aas will registration rather than RAMP playground do to scehduling conflict. The race benefits local youth organization. To see the story about last years race click the following

Spindecision 2005

With respect to an article published in the Pittsburgh Tribune and brough to our attention by
Many seem to be more interested in the Spin than the actual story of voter fraud in Philadelphia, from Will Bunch, to Dimitri Vassilaros, to countless bloggers and meetup groups. The group acvr includes many Republicans but also contains some Democrats. Maybe they are not nonpartisan, but they sure are bipartisan. While some facts a slanted along partisan lines, some cannot be disputed. According to the report and common knowledge, there were fraudulent registrations in Philly, the Polling Places are a poor excuse for Democracy, and the voter rolls were not adequately purged. Nevertheless, what wasnt mentioned in the article and should have been was how even more fraud would have been reported had pollwatchers received their watchers certificates to grant them access to the polling places. Bob Lee recently issued a retort to the report in the comments section of a blog, guess he didnt want to go on air or in print media with this so to give it more coverage. He stated many things in his retort,
but he conveniently left out the lack of watcher certificates received by these Republican operatives. Had each person legally received their certificate, more concrete evidence of fraud would have been reported. However it wasnt. Check the facts! Forget the group that issued the report, stop making execuses for fraudulent government, clean up elections in this City.

Joan Krajewski's CLIP does for the Neighborhood

City Councilperson Joan Krajewski has long been an advocate for cleaning up qualiity of life issues affecting Mayfair and other areas in the 6th Councilmanic District. Nevertheless, no where was this more inyour face than when she created C.L.I.P. - the Coummunity Life Improvement Program to ensure that the neighborhood remains safe and clean. If you have a neighbor who you are at your wits end with, ie doesnt clean up dog dirt, doesn't take out the trash, doesnt cut their lawn, be sure and call clip who will come out to that persons home and remedy the problem most urgently. CLIP, coupled with the cleansweep initiative between John Perzel, Joan Krajewski and the Mayfair CDC, has helped revitalize Frankford Ave and continues to make Mayfair a Great Place to Live and Work. For more informationon CLIP, click here

Friday, August 05, 2005


With respect to Chris' comment in the below column, I feel I should clarify myself. I may have fell victim to the "dont believe everything you read syndrome". Yesterday I claimed that Philly for Change and the Neighborhood Networks were one in the same, Chris assured me that they were not. However, when reading yesterday's Public record, I came across this article
Some text follows:
"Officially titled "Philly for Change", the group hosted a gathering at the Yards Brewery to get its members to meet with Democratic Candidates for Congress: Lois Murphy, Lois Herr, and Paul Scoles.
The group, also operating under a communications network as "Neighborhood Networks" has affiliated itself with Democracy for America and considers itself to be a volunteer based political organization."

I would like to clarify, I will not issue a retraction until I receive a more definitive answer. But atleast I have clarified my statement.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

John Perzel and the Mayfair CDC do for the Neighborhood

The Mayfair Community Development Corporation ("MCDC") is pleased to present the John M. Perzel Community Center in the Mayfair section of lower Northeast Philadelphia.
The parcel is approximately .624 acres situated 73.75 feet along St. Vincent Street and extending 378.5 feet toward Princeton Avenue. The new address assigned to the Community Center is 2990 St.Vincent Street. Access to the site will be provided by new curb cuts along St. Vincent Street.
Specifically, the proposed development parcel will replace 4 outdoor basketball courts and will sit between recreation department baseball fields and the Mayfair Elementary School surface parking lot.
The land where the John M. Perzel Community Center will be built, this image was taken September 2004, just prior to ground-breaking on the project. The Mayfair Community Development Corp will construct a 23,785 square foot (355 ft. long x 67 ft. wide) one-story building consisting of the following:
2 full court basketball gyms
1 multi-purpose community room
1 computer lab
1 kitchen and related office space
All of the above-referenced uses serve well-established recreational and cultural needs of local Mayfair area residents.
Estimated construction costs for this new facility are $2.75 million.
Ground Breaking: October 13, 2004Construction Commencement: December, 2004Grand Opening: November 2005
(Pictured below is the future John M. Perzel Community Center)

To View the Construction Cam click the following link:

Does "Philly for Change" support fraud?

How about the neighborhood Networks. Then there is the Philadelphia Young Democrats...

All of these groups have responded negatively to the idea that there is fraud in this city. They want change they say, but only when it agrees with them. I guess they like voting in abandoned buildings. I guess the like people getting attacked at the polls.

Philly for Change and the Neighborhood Networks (whichare one in the same) call themselves progressives; however, when a National Voting Rights group comes out and bashes the City for allowing fraud to go on, they dismiss it as partisan. These are the same people that ran back and hid behind the Democrat label when the bug was found in City Hall. These so called progressives don't want progress. Progress is hard to attain, they want safety. They want to buck the trend only when they think it is a safe move. They set up this shadow group so that they could support progressive candidates and progressives ideologies, which is ironic because you don't get much more progressive than election reform. They'll say we want it everywhere, not just Philly. Well go do it somewhere elese, expand your group. I would like to see you push this election reform because if you fail here, your group will fold even before they are any kind of factor in this City.

Also, the Philly Young dems are lead by a group of Young progressive liberals that moved into Center City, however they must not practice what they preach. When the idea of reform was posted on their meetup group, the post was removed. When it was posted again, it was removed again. That explains it, the Philadelphia Young Democrats are "For Fraud."

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Kenney Does for the Neighborhood by Securing Grant Funds for Rockledge Park

Kenney Secures Grant Funds for Rockledge ParkWednesday July 27, 2005
Rep. George Kenney (R-Philadelphia/Montgomery) announced that he has secured grant funding through the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) for renovations now underway at Rockledge Park.
"I am happy that I was able to assist Rockledge Borough in obtaining funds for the renovations to Rockledge Park," Kenney said. "This grant money will help the borough to provide greater recreational opportunities for residents of all ages."
The grant funding, which totals $30,000, was awarded to Rockledge Borough through the DCNR Community Conservation Partnerships Program and is administered by the department’s Bureau of Recreation and Conservation.
The program provides financial and technical assistance to local governments, river and trail organizations, land trusts and other nonprofits for the planning, acquisition and development of park, recreation, conservation and greenway projects. Funding sources include the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund, the Environmental Stewardship Act Fund and the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Let's put the partisan politics aside and enact some change.

what i don't understand is the blogging community backlash against the partisanism of this group (ACVR) when the real anger should be spewed at this City that allows this type of stuff to go on. Alot of people out here are deaniacs always talking about change, ie neighborhood networks, phillyforchange, democracy for america; but when the Right proposes such things they fall back in line. These are the same people that are always calling for change. lets put the partisan bs aside and look at the facts. This city is antiquated with the way that it runs elections, let unite both sides and "change" this. You call yourselves progressives, lets make some progress.

Philadelphia Identified As No. 1 Election Fraud 'Hot Spot' In America, Says American Center for Voting Rights Legislative Fund

We've been saying this all along!!!!!!!

WASHINGTON, Aug. 2 /U.S. Newswire/ -- In a report released today, the American Center for Voting Rights Legislative Fund ("ACVR Legislative Fund") identifies Philadelphia as the number one election fraud "hot spot" in America. The report, "Vote Fraud, Intimidation & Suppression In The 2004 Presidential Election," is the most comprehensive and authoritative review of the facts surrounding allegations of vote fraud, intimidation and suppression made during the 2004 presidential election. The report lists the top five election fraud "hot spots" in the country based on its findings and the cities' documented history of fraud and intimidation. ACVR Legislative Fund calls for immediate attention to these areas.
"Election after election, political parties, election officials and the news media act surprised when fraud, intimidation and suppression activities occur. Now everyone is on notice that there's a problem in Philadelphia and those who don't participate in a solution will be held accountable," said Brian Lunde, ACVR Legislative Fund board member.
ACVR Legislative Fund will work with national and state political parties, state legislators and local officials to create a process that supports local election officials in each of these "hot spot" cities and ensures that any effort to continue the historic pattern of fraud and intimidation in the 2006 election is exposed and stopped. Other "hot spots" identified in the report were Milwaukee, Seattle, St. Louis/East St. Louis and Cleveland.
Summary Of Philadelphia Findings:
-- Republican volunteers violently intimidated by union members, who assaulted the volunteers' vehicle and chased them in traffic.
-- At least 15 new registrants found to be deceased.
-- Many addresses listed for new registrants were in fact vacant lots and boarded-up buildings.
-- Polling places located in local bars, unsafe abandoned buildings, district office of Democrat state Sen. Vincent Fumo and private home decorated with Kerry sign in window.
-- 43 polling locations inaccessible to the handicapped and 17 in businesses or homes where voters could be intimidated.
-- ACT and MoveOn illegally distributed and collected absentee ballots from prison inmates in at least one Philadelphia prison, according to news reports.
-- City voter rolls nearly matched census estimates of the voting-age population.
-- ACORN reportedly put inaccurate information on voter registration forms.
Violence against GOP volunteers in Philadelphia addressed on page 29; City vote fraud/election irregularities section begins on page 62.
ACVR Legislative Fund sent a letter to national political party chairmen Howard Dean and Ken Mehlman today calling on them to identify issues of concern in Philadelphia and other "hot spot" cities by October 1, 2005. ACVR Legislative Fund also called on the national political parties to adopt a zero- tolerance policy against vote fraud and intimidation that commits them to pursuing and fully prosecuting individuals and allied organizations who commit vote fraud or who seek to deter anyone eligible from participating in the election through fraud or intimidation.
"No amount of legislative reform can effectively deter those who commit acts of fraud and intimidation if there is no punishment for the crime and these acts continue to be tolerated," said Mark F. "Thor" Hearne, ACVR Legislative Fund Counsel. "We must put a stop to vote fraud, intimidation and suppression in Philadelphia for people to regain confidence in our electoral process."
The report finds that thousands of Americans were disenfranchised by illegal votes cast and a coordinated effort by members of certain "nonpartisan" organizations to rig the election system through voter registration fraud in more than a dozen states. The report further finds that while Democrats routinely accuse Republicans of voter intimidation and suppression, neither party has a clean record on the issue. The report finds that paid Democrat operatives were far more involved in voter intimidation and suppression activities than were their Republican counterparts during the 2004 presidential election.
The report makes eight key recommendations that, if implemented, will secure the American election system so that all voters will have the ability to participate free of harassment and no legitimate voter will be disenfranchised by an illegal vote.
ACVR Legislative Fund was founded on the belief that public confidence in our electoral system is the cornerstone of our democracy. The organization was established primarily to further the common good and general welfare of citizens of the United States of America by educating the public about vote fraud, intimidation and discrimination which impacts the constitutional right of all citizens to participate in the electoral process. ACVR Legislative Fund is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that neither supports nor endorses any political party or candidate.
Please visit to view the report in its entirety.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Phillly Fraud by the numbers (a logical look at Philadelphia)

Thanks to to bringing light to this fact. We need to reform the way elections are done in this city.

Phillly Fraud by the numbers (a logical look at Philadelphia)Myself November 3, 2004 2banana
Posted on 11/03/2004 7:03:35 AM PST by 2banana
Pennsylvania Vote:
From CNN: (
Kerry 2,868,674 51% 21
Bush (Incumbent) 2,746,856 49% 0
Badnarik 20,902 0% 0
Peroutka 6,426 0% 0
Cobb 6,192 0% 0
Bush lost Pennsylvania by 121,818 votes
Philadelphia Vote:
From CNN (
Kerry 517,054 80% 97% of precincts reporting
Bush (Incumbent) 124,710 20%
Badnarik 860 0%
Cobb 464 0%
Peroutka 375 0%
Total Philly votes cast: 643,463
So Kerry got 4.14 votes for every 1 Bush vote in Philly (an absolutely astounding number - even heavily democratic Broward Country, Fl only went for Kerry 2:1 and heavily democratic Cook County, IL went for Kerry 2.5:1)
Philadelphia Voting Population:
From the US Census Bureau: ( Philadelphia County Pennsylvania
Population, 2003 estimate 1,479,339
Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2003 -2.5%
Population, 2000 1,517,550
Population, percent change, 1990 to 2000 -4.3%
Persons under 5 years old, percent, 2000 6.5%
Persons under 18 years old, percent, 2000 25.3%
Persons 65 years old and over, percent, 2000 14.1%
Female persons, percent, 2000 53.5%
Total age eligible aged persons in Philly : Overall Philly population (1,479,339) - those under 18 (25.3% of 1,479,339) = 1,105,066*
Does not exclude those not eligible to vote by other factors (immigrants, felons, etc.)
Philadelphia Registered Voters:
Total number of people registered to vote in Philly ( 2001 - 1,011,149
Total number of people registered to vote in Philly ( 2004 - 1,035,395
Total number of people registered to vote in Philly ( 2004 - 1,035,395
Some conclusions:
1. Even as Philadelphia looses population, the number of registered voters continues to increase
2. Nearly every person of voting age is registered to vote (as compared to a national average of 50% by the Census Bureau
3 The total lopsidedness of the vote is an astounding number to believe
4. Either Philadelphia has the most engaged and civic population in the WORLD, or there is massive fraud.
5. The amount of fraud easily exceeds the margin of loss of President Bush. If Bush had won Pennsylvania, it would have been a landslide (no Ohio hand wringing).


This is what we have been saying all along. The reason we are number 1 in voter fraud is because of the archaic way our elections are run.Visions of Tammany Hall, not Independence Hall!


Rush & Philadelphia Voter Fraud - We're #1?

Tim Saler sent me word that Rush Limbaugh was reading from a report on-air today that cited Philadelphia as the #1 city - in voter fraud.
I'm at a loss for details on this so if anyone with more information would be kind enough to comment or drop me an email at, it would be most appreciated.
I have no idea of the truth behind this, so I am - as I'm sure many of you are, anxious for answers.

One blog created 'every second'

Reprinted Courtesy of BBC News
One blog created 'every second'

The blogosphere is varied and growing at a steady rateThe blogosphere is continuing to grow, with a weblog created every second, according to blog trackers Technorati.
In its latest State of the Blogosphere report, it said the number of blogs it was tracking now stood at more than 14.2m blogs, up from 7.8m in March.
It suggests, on average, the number of blogs is doubling every five months.
Blogs, the homepages of the 21st Century, are free and easy to set up and use. They are popular with people who want to share thoughts online.
They allow for the instant publication of ideas and for interactive conversations, through comments, with friends or strangers.
Global voices
Technorati is like a search engine that keeps track of what is happening in the blogosphere, the name given to the universe of weblogs.
It relies on people tagging - giving keywords to - their blogs or blog posts so that its search engine can find them.
Free blogging services such as those provided by MSN Spaces, Blogger, LiveJournal, AOL Journals, WordPress and Movable Type were also growing quickly, said the report.

Blogs are easy to use and can be subscribed toThirteen percent of all blogs that Technorati tracks are updated weekly or more, said the report, and 55% of all new bloggers are still posting three months after they started.
It also pointed to the growth in moblogs, blogs to which people with camera phones automatically send pictures and text.
Other services, such as the Google toolbar and the Flickr photo sharing website, have implemented "blog this" buttons, which also make it easier for people to post content they like on the web straight to their blogs.
The voices in the blogosphere are also sounding less US-centric, with blog growth spotted in Japan, Korea, China, UK, France, and Brazil.
Varied sphere
What is clear is that the blogosphere is highly varied, with blogs coming in many shapes and forms, whether they be professional or for personal use.
Blogs have been used as campaign sites, as personal diaries, as art projects, online magazines and as places for community networking.
Much of their appeal has been boosted because readers can subscribe to them, for free, to stay updated of any new posts automatically.
Blogs have played a part in highlighting issues that journalists have not covered. They have also proved to be a valuable communication channel for journalists in repressed countries who have no other publishing means.
They have recently shown how they can also complement and enhance mainstream press in coverage of events, such as the recent London terror attacks.
The Technorati report did not, however, break down the blogosphere in terms of gender use.
Over the weekend, the BlogHer conference took place in the US, which saw a gathering of almost 300 bloggers talk over blogging issues which are pertinent to women, and to men.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Republican getting ready for a run at Krajewski's seat

Republican getting readyfor a run at Krajewski’s seat
By Tom WaringTimes Staff Writer

Republicans haven’t had a fighting chance in the 6th Councilmanic District since popular Democrat Joan Krajewski was elected in 1979.Krajewski, though, has entered the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) and announced that she won’t run again in 2007.Now that the seat is up for grabs, the GOP believes it can win it. The Neighborhood Civic Political Action Committee has identified one potential candidate — Mayfair Civic Association president Scott Cummings.Cummings, 43, can’t announce his candidacy because he works as director of investigations for the Philadelphia Parking Authority. Under the city’s Home Rule Charter, he’d have to resign to run for office.The political action committee can raise money for prospective candidates, and Cummings seems to be welcoming the draft movement.About 200 people turned out last week for a fund-raiser at Liberties Bar & Restaurant at Second Street and Fairmount Avenue. The event raised about $8,000. "I’m very pleased," Cummings said. "A lot of people are showing support."Cummings is the only Republican candidate who has shown a real interest in the race.Possible Democratic candidates include School Reform Commission member Marty Bednarek, Finnigan’s Wake co-owner Mike Driscoll, state Rep. Mike McGeehan, Chickie’s & Pete’s owner Pete Ciarrocchi and Dennis Kelly, who works for the city Bureau of Administration Adjudication.All will be vying for the support of Krajewski and City Commissioner Marge Tartaglione, Democratic leader of the 62nd Ward.Driscoll plans a fund-raiser for September and already has campaign T-shirts printed. He ran for an at-large Council seat in 2003 but was hampered by a late start. If he doesn’t run for the district seat in two years, he will likely enter the at-large race.Another possible candidate is Krajewski. Rumors continue that she might decide to run again. She was unavailable for comment as the Times went to press. Police Commissioner Sylvester Johnson and First Assistant District Attorney Arnie Gordon are among those who have gone back on the city payroll after retiring via DROP.If Krajewski bows out and Cummings wins the seat, he’d ask the veteran councilwoman to be his adviser."I’d reach out to Joan for guidance and advice," he said.Cummings, a former bodyguard for Henry Kissinger and Donald Trump, said he’ll talk with his family before deciding whether to enter the race.If he runs and is elected, he’d like to continue Krajewski’s focus on constituent services. He’d also empower civic associations and fund youth sports groups."Kids on courts stay out of courts," said Cummings, a board member with the Holy Terrors Youth Organization.The guest list at the fund-raiser included party leaders Vito Canuso and Mike Meehan; 55th Ward Republican leader Chris Vogler; civic leaders Reese Hartey, Al Mercadante and Glenn Devitt; GOP district attorney candidate Lou Schwartz; former political candidates Sam Mirarchi, David Oh and Barbara Cummings (Scott’s sister, who challenged Democratic state Sen. Michael O’Pake last year in a Berks County-based district); and Robert Esche, Todd Fedoruk and Riley Cote of the Flyers.The crowd also included Cummings’ family, friends and co-workers."I’d vote for him in a heartbeat," said Jeanne Frosch, a nursing student from Tacony, sister-in-law to state Rep. John Taylor and a possible challenger next year to McGeehan.Party leaders caution that the Council race is two years away.Meehan, who contends that a couple of unnamed Republicans are talking about moving into the district to run, thinks Cummings would make a good candidate."He’s a community guy. He’s got notoriety in fifty percent of the district. That’s a head start," he said.Vogler thinks Cummings can be a strong candidate because he plans a grass-roots campaign. He also thinks the Republican nominee will benefit because the seat will be open.In addition, the ward leader believes that the Democratic candidate could be weakened if his or her party nominates a mayoral candidate who is unpopular in the district."The Democratic Party does nothing for the citizens of Northeast Philadelphia, Joan Krajewski aside," he said.Hartey, president of the Mayfair Community Development Corporation, credits Cummings with running an active civic association and working to ensure that neighborhood youths are welcomed at WOW Family Fun Center.Mayfair is thriving, in his view, because of the close working relationship between Krajewski and Pennsylvania House Speaker John Perzel.Hartey thinks the 2007 Council race will be important for the neighborhood’s future. The next Council member must be someone who can work closely with Perzel, a Republican who lives in Lexington Park."In my opinion, that person is Scott Cummings," he said. ••

Reprinted from the Northeast Times

Krajewski not out?

From our friends at

Picked up on a story recently run by the Northeast Times with respect to this race.

Krajewski not out? 6th District Speculation
Submitted by Tulin on Mon, 2005-08-01 19:36.
According to Tom Waring of the Northeast Times, Joan Krajewski may not be out when it comes to representing the 6th Council District.
Another possible candidate is Krajewski. Rumors continue that she might decide to run again. She was unavailable for comment as the Times went to press. Police Commissioner Sylvester Johnson and First Assistant District Attorney Arnie Gordon are among those who have gone back on the city payroll after retiring via DROP.
If Krajewski were to retire, some familiar faces may be running for her seat, including Republican Scott Cummings, Democrat Mike Driscoll, state Rep. Michael McGeehan, Chickie’s & Pete’s owner Pete Ciarrocchi and Dennis Kelly.
Republican Scott Cummings, though he has not officially declared, appears to have the earliest start of any of the potential candidates for that seat. The PAC behind the "Draft Cummings" movement has held two fundraisers and at it's most recent fundrasier, boasted an attendance of over 200 people including Republican party leaders Vito Canuso and Mike Meehan; 55th Ward Republican leader Chris Vogler; civic leaders Reese Hartey, Al Mercadante and Glenn Devitt; GOP district attorney candidate Lou Schwartz; former political candidates Sam Mirarchi, David Oh and Barbara Cummings and Robert Esche, Todd Fedoruk and Riley Cote of the Flyers.