The Neighborhood Civic PAC is a medium for like-minded Philadelphia residents to carry out public service initiatives..."it's all about the neighborhoods." The Neighborhood Civic PAC is designed to help jumpstart civic associations in various neighborhoods and resurrect ones that were once mighty and help such associations get acclimated to the political process so that they may utilize this to the advantage of the neighborhood and constituency for which they represent.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Republican Governor Candidates on Display

Evening with the GOP candidates for the 2006 Pennsylvania Governor’s Race
Jeff Piccola
Bill Scranton
Lynn Swann
Date: Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Location: The Crystal Tea Room
The Wanamaker Building
100 Penn Square East,
9th Floor Philadelphia, PA
Time: 6:30pm – 7:30pm Check-in and Cocktails
7:30pm – 9:00pm
ProgramAdmission: Free
RSVP required at
Business Attire Suggested
Event Details
This event is an opportunity for Philadelphia residents to meet the Republican candidates for the 2006 Pennsylvania Governor’s Race and to hear each candidate’s vision for the future of Pennsylvania. The evening will feature a keynote speech and question and answer session from each candidate. This event will draw an estimated 500 people. Invited attendees include the general membership of the Philadelphia Young Republicans as well as other Young Republican groups from southeastern PA. Other invited guests include PA Committee members, southeastern PA Republican elected officials, and Philadelphia ward leaders. This event will also be open to the general public. For more information, including sponsorship opportunities, please visit our website at

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Eyeing up the Contenders for 2007 Part 2

Eyeing up the Contenders for 2007 Part 2
Second Round - On to the Republicans (Guaranteed two slots)
Jack Kelly (Incumbent)
Frank Rizzo Jr. (Incumbent)
James "Jamie" McDermott (Executive Director, Philadelphia Regional Port Authority, Perennial Candidate)
David Oh (Attorney, Green Beret, 2003 Candidate)
Sean Reilly (Attorney, Lobbyist, Almost a 2003 Candidate)
Kelly Preski (Political Consultant, Registered Nurse)
Scott Cummings (Civic Leader, Security Specialist, will probably go for the 6th District)
Marvin Barrish (Radio Personality)

Please Comment on any others that may should be added to this list or comment on whether some should not be on this list)

Friday, December 23, 2005

Emilio Agustin Vazquez for the 179th Legislative District

Emilio Agustin Vazquez is looking to secure the Democratic Nomination for Bill Rieger's 174th Legislative District Seat. Mr. Vazquez, an employee of the Philadelphia Parking Authority who ran unsuccessfully for the Democrat Nomination in 2004, brings years of community involvement to the table in this District. He has worked tirelessly for the people in his community which has been under represented by Rieger for a long time. Too many times has Mr. Rieger been criticized for not adequately representing his District. The following are a few examples:
Ghost voting in the House of Representatives. Mr. Rieger would jam a wad of paper into his voting mechanism so that his vote would be recorded on days he was not in the State Capital. He did still collect his per diem for food and housing. Google "Rieger" and "Ghost Voting"
Living outside his District. Mr. Rieger has been living outside his District for quite some time although he still owns a property which he claims as his residence. Google "Bill Rieger" and "outside" and "district"
Absenteeism. Mr. Rieger has been absent a ridiculous amount of time from Harrisburg both in his capacity as a rank and file voter in the General Assembly to his committee post. Google "Bill Rieger" and "Absent"
Lack of a real District office. Would use the basement of one his legislative aides to serve as the District office as she collected rent for the like. Google "Bill Rieger" and "district office" and "basement".

***The above represents numerous violations, among others, of Bill Rieger's misrepresentation of his Legislative District. It is time for a change.

Can We Have Some Competition?

There will be a Special Election called in the near future to fill the seat soon to be vacated by Controller Elect Alan Butkovitz. There will only be one candidate for that seat: John Sabatina, Jr. There were rumblings that Lisa Deeley was still interested but they have since fizzled out. There have been no Republicans mentioned at all for that seat. This District can still be a competitive District, but what is odd about the whole thing is whole people to tend to let John's father John Sabatina Sr. have his way with things. Having met John, the younger, he seems like a nice guy who also happens to be a lawyer. But the question remains, what has he done in the Community? This is not a criticism; rather it is a research project. John is going to become a Member of the General Assembly because 1. he is a Democrat and 2. because of who his father is. Now some may be saying this did not help Sharif Street in his failed bid to unseat Frank Oliver. No it did not help here, but that race had something that this one lacks: COMPETITION. Frank Oliver was an Incumbent with a long history and there was a race here. While in the 174th Legislative District, there is no competition. John's father wants John to have the seat and John will have it, nuf said. This is unacceptable. If there is a Republican or Democrat living in the 174th, you should look into running for this seat and help Democracy strive. This is not a Dictatorship.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Back with More Election Woes facing Philadelphia, and as always the Distrcit Attorney will do NOTHING

Unity 2001 has failed to continously report its finance as is required. This PAC is headed by a member of the 34th Democratic Ward and has raised more than $600,000. This is no small sum but rather quite large. The Daily News stated that it would have been in the top 30 for fundraising. Yet they did not report it. The DA's spokesperson Cathie Abookire said that they reviewed the file and that it does not merit prosecution. She also looked into the free cheese give away a few months back and nothing was done. This is why Philadelphia was voted the #1 Fraud city in the US this year because our elected officials do not want to step in and rectify problems. Here, it could have very well been a mistake but any PAC handling that kind of money should have someone more responsible handling their finances. Oh and by the way, we have someone that plead guilty for fixing parking tickets last year sitting in a cushy job in City Hall.