The Neighborhood Civic PAC is a medium for like-minded Philadelphia residents to carry out public service initiatives..."it's all about the neighborhoods." The Neighborhood Civic PAC is designed to help jumpstart civic associations in various neighborhoods and resurrect ones that were once mighty and help such associations get acclimated to the political process so that they may utilize this to the advantage of the neighborhood and constituency for which they represent.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Eyeing up the Contenders for 2007 Part 2

Eyeing up the Contenders for 2007 Part 2
Second Round - On to the Republicans (Guaranteed two slots)
Jack Kelly (Incumbent)
Frank Rizzo Jr. (Incumbent)
James "Jamie" McDermott (Executive Director, Philadelphia Regional Port Authority, Perennial Candidate)
David Oh (Attorney, Green Beret, 2003 Candidate)
Sean Reilly (Attorney, Lobbyist, Almost a 2003 Candidate)
Kelly Preski (Political Consultant, Registered Nurse)
Scott Cummings (Civic Leader, Security Specialist, will probably go for the 6th District)
Marvin Barrish (Radio Personality)

Please Comment on any others that may should be added to this list or comment on whether some should not be on this list)