One gun a month bill is far from the answer (Ed Dixon's Letter)
One gun a month bill
is far from the answer
State Rep. Dennis O’Brien, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, has not allowed a vote on "one gun a month" legislation simply because the votes are non-existent.How can he convince his colleagues in the House chamber of a state that has been described by political pundits as "Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Alabama in-between" that there is a necessity to pass said legislation?The vast majority of the state is not experiencing Philadelphia’s violence epidemic; therefore, voting for the subject legislation would provide more rural constituents a disservice by impeding on their Second Amendment rights. However, let us assume that Rep. O’Brien could secure the votes needed to pass the "one gun a month" legislation. Although it would create a more complicated environment for straw purchasers from an administrative perspective, eventually, the same amount of guns would surface on the street. Crime lords, drug dealers, etc. would formulate a new method of accumulating weapons via identifying sellers in alternate states and accumulating more straw purchasers statewide. Many city officials, as well as the Northeast Times May 18 editorial, are citing guns as the core problem in the city’s recent increase in homicides, but such a mindset is so shallow and shortsighted. The issue is not guns; it’s the culture behind those utilizing guns. Take away guns and the issue could be an increase in homicides due to stabbings. Take away knives and the cause could be an increase in baseball bat beatings.Only through education will individuals realize that there are alternatives to careers in crime. And for those who defer to such a life, a larger, better-equipped police force as well as a more stringent legislative and judicial environment is the answer. Ed DixonBustletonNote: Mr. Dixon is a member of the Neighborhood Civic PAC, a medium for like-minded Philadelphia residents to carry out public service initiatives. For information, call 215-292-3926 or e-mail