The Neighborhood Civic PAC is a medium for like-minded Philadelphia residents to carry out public service initiatives..."it's all about the neighborhoods." The Neighborhood Civic PAC is designed to help jumpstart civic associations in various neighborhoods and resurrect ones that were once mighty and help such associations get acclimated to the political process so that they may utilize this to the advantage of the neighborhood and constituency for which they represent.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Ward Fights Accross the City

Ward-leader dramas play out
It was an evening of arguments and police presence, though no beatings or arrests, as Democrats picked 69 leaders.

Emilio Vazquez lost his second race in as many weeks. He was with the establishment as was shown in his race for Bill Reiger's Old seat where he was supported by several Democratic Ward Leaders, including Dan Savage, Marge Tartaglione and Carlos Matos. Does Bob Brady feel that the Democratic Party is dead? No, but it may have been resurrected with new people assuming roles once held by the old guard.
Nobody got beat up and nobody got locked up," said U.S. Rep. Robert Brady,
chairman of the Democratic City Committee. "People say that the Democratic Party
is dead, but I say it's alive and kickin'."
Still, party leaders now have to
sort through several complaints of unfairness from losers in the fights, Brady
One complaint seemed sure to come from the 43d, where acting leader Tom Logan
defeated Emilio Vazquez, 28-17. Before the meeting, men and women were screaming
at one another over who could be admitted to the room to vote.
"They don't
have certificates!" a Vazquez supporter yelled, arguing that Logan was packing
the room with bogus committee members not elected in the May 16 primary.

They are even denying their own people the right to vote.

"They disenfranchised our committee people," Vazquez said, looking at a tally
sheet on the sidewalk outside.
"They say your vote counts - not in there,"
said Kimberly Lambert-Tores, who voted for Vazquez. "These are the same people
who've done nothing for the neighborhood."

In other areas, democracy was alive and kicking as well. Remember it is not the voters that decide an election, rather it is those that count that votes.

Former 33d Ward leader Donna Aument told Brady that she defeated incumbent
Candido Silva in a replay of their grudge match of four years ago.
But Silva
said, "I beat her by one vote," before declining further comment. "Let me enjoy
my victory with my family."
The same party that is alive and kicking saw one of their own, City Councilman Juan Ramos, go down in defeat.

Incumbent Helen "Lynn" Farrell won, 20-12, [against Ramos] despite heavy
lobbying by Ramos and fellow Council members.

In a battle that is going to help shape next years 6th Councilmanic District race.

In Mayfair's 55th Ward,lawyer Robert Delavella won a battle that centered on
nepotism and accusations that his opponent was the pawn of State Rep. Michael
McGeehan. Delavella bested Michael Lowry, the son of retiring ward leader
Vincent Lowry, 34-22.