Raj Bhakta Raises More Than $110,000 in First Month - 1/12/2006 (Via Politicspa.com)
January 11, 2006
Contact: Chris Brennan
215-628-4005 (c)
Raj Bhakta Raises More Than $110,000 in First Month
Pennsylvania Congressional Candidate Raj Peter Bhakta today reported that he has raised more than $110,000 only weeks after the creation of his exploratory committee in the 13th District."We are off to a great first month. I am encouraged and very thankful for the financial support generated within only a few weeks of my announcement - from people eager to bring change and reform to Congress. We gathered strength during the two biggest holidays of the year; it represents the growing momentum of my campaign and the attractiveness of legitimate and thorough reform message." Raj said.
Raj reported contributions of over $110,000.00 for the reporting period, with over $100,000 cash-on-hand.
Brian McDowell, a Northeast Philadelphia resident, said that he contributed and is supporting Raj because of he is a fresh voice and his reform agenda is type of cleansing Congress needs these days. "Raj brings a new voice, fresh ideas, and is not part of the old-boy network in Congress currently spending our tax dollars and under investigation right now. Raj has a clear vision that will improve the lives of people living here. We need a strong leader like Raj who stands for what he believes, brings a different perspective, and will not be a lifelong politician."
Raj is a Managing Partner of Vanquish Holdings, a real estate firm. He also appeared on the 2nd season of NBC's "The Apprentice" in 2004.
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