The Neighborhood Civic PAC is a medium for like-minded Philadelphia residents to carry out public service initiatives..."it's all about the neighborhoods." The Neighborhood Civic PAC is designed to help jumpstart civic associations in various neighborhoods and resurrect ones that were once mighty and help such associations get acclimated to the political process so that they may utilize this to the advantage of the neighborhood and constituency for which they represent.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Great Things Happening in Mayfair

Recently the Mayfair Civic Association, through a grant via PA Speaker John Perzel, has installed a radar machine at area grade schools including St Matts, St Tims and Mayfair. This was in response to the growing concern of traffic accidents and speeding violations in the Mayfair Area.
Scott Cummings has personally been installing the radar machine in various locations. He has also been the surrogate crossing Guard at Hawthorne Street for the last couple of weeks. If you would like to join the Civic and aide Scott in his efforts, email