What is Wrong with Delaware and Spring Garden?
In the World of Meetups and Text Messages,
we still have offices in the city of Philadelphia that do not use technology for elections.
Watchers Certificates
In order to apply for a watchers certificate in Philadelphia you must do so via a handwritten yellow sheet of paper (which cannot be scan and submitted via email) i.e. you must drop it off. Then, a person looks up each individual name of such proposed watcher, on some antiquated computer program that has a blinking full cursor as well as a black screen with green writing, and decides (arbitrarily I might add) whether or not that person is worthy of a watchers certificate i.e. they may see John Smith at 300 Main Street but your application said “John M. Smith” or “301 Main Street”. Then, if you are lucky enough to receive a cert, the person will mark ok next to your name on the sheet and if you are not ok, they will cross it out. Mind you they do this for every watcher that comes in. Then, either Teddy Picano or a few older women will write each individual name on yellow pieces of paper. This paper is a binder and split into three equal sizes sheets separated by perforation. They then take a stack of roughly 100 at a time to emboss. Instead of stamping each one, they push a stack under the seal so that the certificates in the middle don’t get the seal. This makes them much more susceptible to challenges because of their lack of seal. There are 1680 polling places in the city and there are atleast 4 watchers (2Rep and 2Dem) at each polling place. This is a total of 6700 total names. These are then torn into 3 pieces and put in an envelope for you to pick up. All the while getting smoke into your face by Ted Picano, when last time I checked smoking was banned in all city buildings.This is not effective government; it is rather disturbing. If you do not receive all of of your certificates, you can go down to Delaware and Spring Garden and hand in your request on Election Day. Mr. Picano would receive your request look generally annoyed and ask whom they were for. He would then take a long drag of his cigarette complain to the guy next to him and then assume his position at the antiquated computer. At which point while only half way through looking up the names, he would exclaim, “I’m Done. Can’t do anymore.” You may ask, "are you serious?” and he'll mumble something. Nevertheless, rather than stand there and fight with Mr. Picano, you proceed on, because that is the way it has always been done in Philadelphia.
This could easily be rectified with a computer program, even a simple one such as mail merge, i.e. I email you the names (or better yet, fill out a form on your website), and the computer cross checks it against a database and a printer spits out the ones that receive watchers (onthe actual certificate), complete with a seal and all, but I don’t see that happening in Philadelphia. If John Smith cannot get one, the computer should lets you know what was wrong, so that you can rectify the situation, all in time for the Election. But that makes too much sense, something that has been lacking at Delaware and Spring Garden.
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